The Toyota Supra is one of Japan’s most iconic cars. There have been four generations of the Supra so far, with a fifth one coming soon. It is the dream of many to own one of these magnificent cars and in this article we are going to show you where to buy a Toyota Supra.
There are loads of different places you can find Toyota Supras for sale and in this article we are going to cover them all. This article is not going to go into buying advice for each version of the Supra, but will show you the best places to find them for sale.
If you would like to find out the history of the Supra, check out our “Complete History of the Toyota Supra” article.
Table of Contents
Finding a Toyota Supra for Sale
The first thing you need to think about is where you are prepared to look. There is no point in looking overseas if you are not prepared to import a car. If you are adamant about seeing a Supra in person before buying, you are going to be more limited than if you are prepared to rely on information from importers and third parties. Let’s look at some of the options below:
Find a Toyota Supra for Sale Locally
The first place you are portably going to want to look is in your own local market. This is a great option as you can usually go view the car before making a purchase. However, you may find that there are very few Supras for sale in your local market or they may be excessively expensive.
While prices are increasing, you will find that they fluctuate depending on the market you are looking at. Prices in New Zealand are going to be different to those in the United States and so on.
We recommend that you take your time when looking to buy a Supra. There is a truckload of absolute dogs out there that have been poorly maintained, modified and possibly even crashed.
In this section of the article we are going to be looking at local or domestic places to buy a Toyota Supra. Some of these are well known routes like eBay and some of them are a little less well known. Let’s take a look at auction websites first.
Auction and Classifieds Websites
The first place we are going to look at is auction and classifieds websites like eBay and Trade Me (New Zealand’s version of eBay). Auction websites will let you view a wide range of cars quickly and you will be able to get an idea of what sort of price you should be paying for one.
On these sort of websites, you can refine your search so that you can find the exact model you want. You also have the option to limit your search to specific locations or countries and you can set your maximum price limit.
You can get stung pretty hard on these websites if you are not careful. Many people are a bit economical with the truth and there are plenty of lemons about, so you need to be careful with what you buy and who you deal with.
Below we have put together a list some of the many different auction and classifieds websites out there:
Trade Me is New Zealand’s biggest and most popular auction website. It is much the same as eBay and many used (and new) cars are listed on the site. When we searched Trade Me for Toyota Supras for sale, we found 22 models available from different generations. Some of these are in good condition while some are in poor condition. If you are in New Zealand and you are looking to buy a Toyota Supra, Trade Me is probably your best place to start.
Piston Heads originally started as a TVR website, but after it was sold in January 2007, the website started to encompass all aspects of motoring. The website covers motoring news, has user forums and includes a car classifieds section. When we conducted a quick search we found ten Supras for sale, including an incredibly tidy RZ-S model with only 23,000 miles on the clock. If you are based in the UK, we definitely recommend checking out Piston Heads if you are looking to buy a Toyota Supra.
Cars For Sale is another classifieds website and focuses more on the United States market. It was founded in 1999 and is based in Sioux Falls, SD. You can search the entire country for a Supra or you can refine your search to specific states. A quick search discovered 35 listings of Toyota Supras for sale in the United States. If you are based in the USA, this is a great place to find a Supra for sale.
Craigslist is one of the most famous classifieds websites around and you can purchase pretty much anything, including Toyota Supras. The website is global, but it is most popular in the North American market. When you search the website on Google you will be taken to your local version of Craigslist. As we are based in NZ and we couldn’t find any Supras for sale, we decided to look in a different location. When we had a look at the Los Angeles market we found an absolute truck ton of cars for sale. If you are based in North America, we definitely recommend checking out Craigslist if you are looking to buy a Toyota Supra.
Kijiji is a fully owned subsidiary of eBay and was launched in 2005. It offers similar services and is seen as a competitor to Craigslist. The biggest difference between the two is that Kijiji gets much less traffic from the United States and is much more focused on the Canadian market. When we conducted a search we found over 40 models for sale from different generations. If you are based in Canada, Kijiji looks like a great option to find a Toyota Supra for sale.
Gumtree is the number one classifieds site in the UK, Australia, South Africa and Singapore. If was founded in March 2000 and in 2005 it was acquired by eBay. We found over 20 classifieds on the .com version of the website and over 70 on the Australian version. For those based in the UK or especially Australia, Gumtree seems to be a good place to start your hunt for a Toyota Supra.
Carsales is another great option for our Australian readers. It is the number one car specific classifieds website in Australia and we found over 40 Toyota Supras for sale on it. We definitely recommend you check out Carsales if you are based in Australia.
eBay is arguably the most well-known classifieds and auction website, and there is no way we couldn’t include it on this list. We feel that some of the other options we have listed are better places to find cars for sale, but eBay is still a good place. It is global and you will find Toyota Supras for sale from all around the world.
Autotrader is our last website on this list of classifieds and auction sites. There are various location specific versions of the website, but we searched on the .com version and found over 60 different Toyota Supras for sale. There were some beautiful examples on here, so we definitely recommend you check it out.
Owners clubs and Forums
Owners clubs are a great place to look for cars for sale. There are loads of different Toyota owner’s clubs all over the world and many of them have an online presence. Have a look in your local area or do a quick Google search to see what comes up. Most club members are pretty open to new comers and you may be able to attend a meet. We have listed a few examples of owners clubs below.
Supra mkiv owners club – has everything you need to know about the mkiv Supra and even has a classifieds section. This is also a great place to ask any questions about owning a Toyota Supra and the costs associated with it.
Toyota owners club – is a great website/forum that is for all owners of Toyota cars. There is a specific Supra Club section that we recommend you check out. On here you can find Toyota Supras for sale, along with parts for the Supra. This website is more focused on North American Toyota owners.
Facebook or Other Social Media Groups
Facebook groups have become a popular place for people to buy, sell and advertise anything from bicycles to cars and more. There are loads and loads of different groups relating to Toyotas and the Supra.
While many of these groups are simply a place to post cool photos and videos of cars from around the car, they can be used to find models for sale. For instance, this group focuses on 2jz/1jz cars and parts, and this Toyota Supra group has over 77,000 members.
Write a post asking if anyone has a Supra for sale, or if any of the group members know where you can find a good example. While Facebook groups can be good, don’t expect any miracles and be on your guard for any scammers or time wasters.
You can also use other social media platforms to find vehicles for sale, however, we feel Facebook’s groups are probably the best place to start. We recommend you check out Reddit and its specific subreddits as there are often many enthusiasts who regularly visit the website. Take a look at subreddits like this Toyota Supra one or r/Toyota.
Car Dealers and Importers
Car dealers are another obvious place to find a Toyota Supra for sale. While you are going to have to be pretty lucky to find a Supra that doesn’t cost the world at a car dealer, they are still a good option.
Many car dealers have an online presence these days, so you should be able to view the vehicles they have in stock on their website. In addition to this, a large percentage of car dealers will also advertise their stock on classifieds and auction websites like the ones we listed earlier.
You may also want to check any local or domestic importers as many of them will bring in cars of interest from overseas.
Sometimes the best place to look is those who are closest to who. Talk to any friends, family or contacts who may have, or may know someone who has a Toyota Supra for sale. You can often get great deals like this and you will be able to get more information about the car.
Importing a Toyota Supra
If you are having difficulty finding your dream Toyota Supra in your own country, it may be time to look overseas. Importing a Toyota Supra is a well-trodden path and the most common country to import one from is of course Japan.
Japanese law makes it expensive to own older cars and many Supras have been exported to overseas buyers. Despite the large number of cars exported, there are still plenty of Toyota Supras in Japan.
Japan has a large car enthusiast scene, so you will be able to find anything from a completely stock standard model to a highly modified monster. Below we have put together some advice on importing a Toyota Supra from Japan, but we also recommend that you check out our “How to import a car from Japan” guide.
Importing a Toyota Supra from Japan
The most common way to import a Supra from Japan is to find an importer that is willing to give you access to Japanese auction houses and exporters. You can then work with them to find a suitable car.
Once you have settled on a suitable Supra, you decide on your maximum bid and the importer will do the rest for you. If you win, you will pay for the car plus the shipping, insurance, taxes and any fees the importer charges. The car will then be shipped to you and you will be the owner of a Supra.
Check The Internet
If you decide that importing a Toyota Supra is the way you would like to go, we recommend that you have a look at some of the many import/export websites out there. You will be able to find plenty of different cars on these websites and you can search via the model, year, price and much more.
While these sort of websites are excellent places to find Supras to import, you do need to be careful. As you can’t see the car in person or test drive it, the risks are much higher. Before you even think about bidding on a vehicle, you need to check out the company is reputable and legitimate.
We have listed some different importers/exporters below:
Japan Partner is one of Japan’s largest and fastest growing exporters of used vehicles. They cover a wide range of vehicles and their auction systems provide access to over 90,000 cars per week. Japan Partner also has a sales team that is fluent in 6 different languages and they service 107 countries.
Royal Trading a franchise of the largest Japanese used car acquisition franchises in Japan. They export used cars and parts all over the world and they can get pretty much anything you want. The company’s head office is based in Nagano and they have been operating since March 1987.
Car From Japan is another great exporter and they even have tutorials on how to buy from them. You will find a range of different Toyota Supras on here and they even give you an estimated date of departure/arrival in the description of the vehicle. The company ships worldwide and they claim to have a 99% satisfaction rate from customers.
JDM EXPO is an independent subsidiary of Nikko Auto Company and they focus on enthusiast sports cars. The company started in 1978 through opening a small dealer shop in Nagoya. JDM EXPO’s services are not limited to only direct purchases of a vehicle from their stock. They can also provide direct access to Japanese auction houses and they will assist with the delivery of the vehicle. If you are looking to import a Toyota Supra from Japan, this is one of the best exporters around.
Goonet Exchange has a wide range of different vehicles available, including a large amount of Toyota Supras. You get loads of information in the description of the listings and there are plenty of photos as well. The website is under the arm of the Proto Corporation and was founded in October 1977. This website is another great option if you want to import a Toyota Supra.
SBT Japan is the last website we are going to list in this article. We found a number of Toyota Supras for sale and they all had surprisingly low miles on them. SBT is one of the leading vehicle trading companies in Japan and they are headquartered in Yokohama. They actually source their vehicles from a number of different countries including Japan, South Korea, the USA, UK and Germany.
Toyota Supra Auction Check Sheet and Importing Guide
Now that you know some importers/exporters, it is time to tell you about the auction check sheet and how Japanese cars are graded. Competition can be pretty fierce for good cars and dealers often get the best pick, so you need to be onto it when looking to import a car from Japan.

Pretty much every single company in Japan gets their vehicles in the same way. The main difference between the different exporters/importers is how much information they are willing to tell you about the car, and how much they charge. If a company or website is not willing to translate the auction check sheet, it could be a sign that they are trying to hide something from you.
What Is an Auction Check Sheet?
An auction check sheet provides all (or most of) the information you need to know about a vehicle. As you can’t view the car personally, you are going to have to rely on the check sheet and the information the company has provided.
There is an absolute ton of information contained on the auction check sheet, but they are fairly simple to follow. The main thing you want to take note of is the grade, which is usually located in the top right corner. This grade will give you a rough idea of the overall condition of the vehicle and whether or not it has been maintained well.
While the grade is a useful piece of information, you should not rely on it completely. This is because different companies and auction houses can grade vehicles differently. For example, a grade 4 for one company might be a grade 4.5 for another, or it could be lower at grade 3.5. This means you might wind up with a Supra in poorer condition than you expected.
Use the grade to whittle down the number of Supras you are looking at and then use the other information on the auction check sheet/listing to decide upon an appropriate vehicle.
When you look at an auction check sheet you will notice that there are two grades, a number and a letter. The number represents the overall and mechanical condition of the car, while the letter is typically the interior. Sometimes, a letter may be used to represent the exterior grade, but this is usually included in the number grade. Auction houses and exporters will have slight variations in the way they grade vehicles and write check sheets, but they should all be roughly the same.
What Do the Grades Mean?
Here’s a quick description of what each grade means.
- Grade 7 to 9 or S– New car that only has delivery miles.
- Grade 6– Same as above but with a few more miles.
- Grade 5– Vehicle is in exceptional condition with low miles.
- Grade 4.5– Overall condition is excellent, but can have up to 100,000 miles on the clock.
- Grade 4– Overall condition is good, but can have low or high miles.
- Grade 3.5– Similar to grade 4, but some work may be needed and they usually have more miles.
- Grade 3– Can be the same condition as grade 3.5, but with more miles. Alternatively, the car may have lower miles but require more work.
- Grade 2– Very poor condition car and may have significant mechanical or exterior issues. Not necessarily a right off, but you would have to be a brave buyer to purchase one of these.
- Grade 1– Are modified in some way (can be extensive or something simple).
- Grade 0, A, R, RA– Some repair history that can be major or minor.
The Interior and Exterior Grading System
The above grades show the overall condition of the vehicle, but as we wrote earlier, the interior grade uses a letter instead of a number. An ‘A’ means that the vehicle is in good to excellent condition, ‘B’ shows that the car is in average condition, and ‘C’ denotes below average condition.
You will also be given a car map, which displays the exterior condition of the car and where any defects or damage is located. Different letters denote different problems or damage. You can read more about the car map in our “How to import a car from Japan guide”.
Concluding This Guide to Where to Find a Toyota Supra for Sale
As you can see, there are loads of different places to find Toyota Supas for sale. The Supra (especially the mkiv) are fast becoming classics and it is getting more and more difficult to find good examples.
We have provided some examples of places to buy Toyota Supras locally, along with different importers/exporters for those who are brave enough to purchase one from overseas. Importing a Toyota Supra may seem a bit risky, but remember that plenty of people have done.
There are lots of different websites, forums, dealers and groups that have Toyota Supras for sale. This article is just meant to inform you of some of the best places to start your hunt.
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