Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax Review

To start this review of Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax, I’ve got a confession to make.

I’m not the biggest fan of spray wax products, to say the least.

In fact, I’ve written in the past about my general dislike of spray waxes (at least when compared to paste/cream car waxes). You can read my reasoning here if you’d like more information.

In short, my primary opposition is that spray wax typically doesn’t seem to be that much faster to use, but the results are also nowhere near as good or as long -lasting as what you’d generally expect from a conventional wax product (something like Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax, for example) – but go and check out that other article for a more detailed explanation.

However, in the weekend I was around at a family member’s house and spied a yet-to-be-opened bottle of Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax.

I’m a total sucker for trying out new car detailing products (however I come across them – I promise that normally I buy them with my own hard-earned) so naturally I swiped the bottle and decided to put Meguiar’s leading spray wax product to the test.

In this review of Meguiar’s Ultimate Quix Wax, I’ll talk you through my experience and the pros and cons of using this popular spray wax product.

What Is It?

Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax is a spray car wax product.

Instead of applying a cream or paste, you spray the wax on to the car and then buff it off.

Spray waxes are popular because they are usually faster, easier and less messy to apply. Who doesn’t value convenience? Not everybody has an entire weekend free to spend detailing their car; since becoming a dad I’d be lucky to get a quarter of the ‘car care time’ I used to enjoy, so I want to get the best possible results in the shortest possible timeframe. That is the whole value proposition of a spray wax.

Meguiar’s position this product as a premium spray wax, claiming better-than-normal results. Let’s put it to the test!

You can purchase Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax here on Amazon.

Does It Work?

The ultimate measure in any product review is whether or not the product does what it claims.

What I did was tried Ultimate Quik Wax on my Suzuki Swift Sport.

About a month ago, I fully waxed the car using another Meguiar’s product (Ultimate Liquid Wax) but since then have racked up a fair bit of driving and outside parking time in the car.

I cleaned the Swift first. For reference, I had used Mother’s California Gold Wash & Wax to clean the car, and dried it off with my microfibre drying towel.

I then applied Quik Wax as per the manufacturer’s instructions, and you can see the outcome here:

One thing I wasn’t expecting about this product is just how nice it smells; the scent reminds me of Nerds candy, unlike some car detailing products that have a horrible chemical smell.

I took these photos on an iPhone 13 Pro, which has a pretty good camera. However, the website compresses uploaded photos and it is definitely hard to see the same as what I observed in real life – which was that the paintwork definitely looked more vibrant and glossy. The finish wasn’t as good as a regular wax, but considering it took me less than five minutes to do the whole car (bear in mind this was really a ‘top up’ wax) I really couldn’t complain, and was pleased.

The spray nozzle distributed the wax evenly, and it was as close as you could get to effortless to buff it off and leave a nice shine … definitely superior to some of the cheaper spray waxes I’ve used in the past.

You can see below that it does a reasonable job of repelling water:

Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax does a decent job at repelling water, despite being a spray wax as opposed to liquid/paste.

I haven’t got around to it yet – and I will update this review when I do – but my next step is to test this product as a proper substitute for regular waxing (i.e. apply to a car that hasn’t recently been waxed) and see what the outcome is.

Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax Review – Conclusion

To circle back to my comment at the start of the review, I’m not particularly enamoured of spray wax products. Maybe I haven’t used them properly in the past, but I’ve not typically had the best results. I can see the appeal of saving time and saving effort, but at the same time my preferred approach is to do a proper waxing once every few months, and then simply use a quality wash and wax in the interim.

However, if you simply don’t have the time to properly hand wax your car OR you’re the kind of person who always wants to keep your car waxed (but you don’t have the time to repeatedly use a cream/paste wax) then Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax is definitely one of the better spray wax products that I’ve used.

I tested it on two surfaces; a car that had been recently waxed with Meguiar’s Ultimate Liquid Wax, and then a car that hadn’t been washed in months and which was just given a basic go-over. In both instances, Quik Wax performed well. On the previously-waxed car, it did a good job at “restoring” the original lustre from the proper waxing job. On the other car, the application of Quix Wax alone yielded a good outcome in terms of bringing up the paintwork.

I don’t expect either application to last particularly long, but that is ‘par for the course’ with spray wax – the idea being that it’s so quick and easy to wax your car that you might do it every week or so. You will never get the same durability of finish with spray wax as you do with regular wax, so you need to adjust your usage accordingly.

Overall, despite not being the biggest fan of spray wax I do think that Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax would be a good option if this type of product appeals to you. It is certainly better than some of the other spray waxes I’ve used in the past, and I think if your use case warrants having spray wax in your car detailing toolkit, then this would be a worthy addition.

You can purchase Meguiar’s Ultimate Quik Wax here on Amazon.


  • Sam

    Sam focuses mainly on researching and writing the growing database of Car Facts articles on Garage Dreams, as well as creating interesting list content. He is particularly enthusiastic about JDM cars, although has also owned numerous European vehicles in the past. Currently drives a 3rd generation Suzuki Swift Sport, and a Volkswagen Touareg (mainly kept for taking his border collie out to the hills to go walking)

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